First Day Info for Faculty and Advisors

First Day Information for faculty

If you are using the First Day program, you can feel confident that your students will have their course materials on the first day of class.

First Day course adoption deadlines are earlier than the standard adoption deadline. A Barnes & Noble Charlotte representative will email you with all of the important deadlines and provide you with a liaison to help you navigate the process.

Fall 2021 First Day Adoption Deadline

February 15, 2021

Spring 2022 First Day Adoption Deadline

October 1, 2021

Summer 2022 First Day Adoption Deadline

December 1, 2021

Summer/Fall 2021 Textbook Adoption Deadline

March 19, 2021

Spring 2022 Textbook Adoption Deadline

October 15, 2021

First Day Faculty FAQs

No, you are not required to use First Day for your course materials. Not all course materials are available through First Day, and you are not required to use First Day even if your course materials are available through the program.

Your publisher representative can help you determine if First Day is an option if your preferred textbook isn't available in digital format.
Currently, Barnes & Noble has partnerships with 89 publishers for First Day. Some of the publishers include Pearson, McGraw-Hill, Cengage Learning, Wiley, Sage, LoudCloud, W.W. Norton, Oxford, Macmillan, Vista Higher Learning, Hawkes Learning and more.
First Day requires an earlier adoption period to ensure that Barnes & Noble Charlotte has enough time to secure the proper materials and the best pricing possible. The earlier adoption deadline also allows for course descriptions to be updated in Banner, so that students can make informed decisions when registering for classes.
Instructor First Day materials will appear in Canvas approximately one to two weeks before classes start. For students, First Day materials will appear in Canvas once you publish the course.
No, you will not receive a notification when a student opts out.
Barnes & Noble Charlotte completes a market analysis to determine courses that may be a good fit based on previously selected course materials and price points. Courses that use textbooks with accompanying access cards may be good candidates for this program. Contact Barnes & Noble Charlotte if you are interested in participating in First Day.
Yes, First Day digital course materials are available for both undergraduate and graduate courses.
We recommend emailing your students when you open the course in Canvas to remind them that they are enrolled in a First Day course. We suggest including the following language in your syllabus: 
This course participates in First Day, a program managed by Barnes and Noble Charlotte that provides digital course materials to students at a discount. Required materials for this course can be accessed through Canvas. If you wish to opt out of First Day, visit for information. If you opt out, you are still responsible for purchasing all required course materials and completing all assignments on time.

Information for Advisors and Schedule Builders

Students may approach you with questions about the First Day program. First Day courses will have the following description in Banner:

This course is part of the First Day program. Required digital course materials are delivered in Canvas at the discounted rate of $__  billed to your student account. Please visit the First Day webpage to learn more about the program.

When students register for a First Day course, their course materials are automatically charged to their student account. They have the option to opt out in Canvas once the course is opened. Refer students with questions to the First Day student information page.

Schedule builder FAQs

You should include the following description in Banner:

This course is part of the First Day program. Required digital course materials are delivered in Canvas at the discounted rate of $__  billed to your student account. Please visit the First Day webpage to learn more about the program.

A Barnes and Noble Charlotte representative can confirm the price of First Day course materials. Please call the bookstore at 704-687-7050.

Get help

If you have are having trouble accessing First Day course materials in Canvas or you have a technical question, please contact Barnes and Noble College Customer Care at or 1-844-932-6657. 

Students should refer to the First Day webpage for information about billing, payment and opting out of the program.

Info for Students