Clubs and Intramural Groups

Clubs and Intramural Groups

Any and all club or intramural student groups must use a licensed vendor to order any merchandise if using any of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte wordmarks or logos. This applies whether the items are intended for the team's own use (e.g. team shirts), or items to be sold for fundraising purposes.


  • Any individual or company desiring to apply any University marks on items must be licensed through CLC. Please contact CLC for information on how to obtain a license.
  • Prior to producing any product, University departments and affiliates (recognized clubs and organizations) are required to submit requests to utilize the University's registered trademarks to the Office of Trademarks & Licensing (Auxiliary Services Office). The office is located in the Auxiliary Services Bldg. (Room 146 A).
  • All logos using the University’s marks must be approved by Licensing. The following guidelines apply:
    • The student organization/club must identify the organization by including the official name of the club or chapter
    • Only current University trademarks can be used
    • University marks must not be altered.
    • To ensure that you are using the University's logos correctly, please contact Lou Ann Lamb at or 704-687-7335.
  • Permission is required before any of UNC Charlotte's marks can be reproduced; contact Rachel Skipworth, 704-687-7683, If such permission is granted, the use of any University-owned mark must be consistent with the limited permission granted and must conform with the guidelines and current University contracts in regard to such licenses as set forth by the Auxiliary Services Department.
  • If a student organization receives permission to use any of the University's registered names, logos or marks, and then makes T-shirts or promotional products with those marks, they must use a licensed vendor. (Auxiliary Services Licensing and Trademark can provide student organizations with a list of licensed vendors.) In addition, student organizations may not sell those T-shirts or promotional products outside of their group membership. Sale of these items on campus, over the Internet or to the general public is prohibited. Certain exceptions (determined by the University's trademark and licensing liaison) are made for groups promoting specific events logos.
  • Requests for approval generally fall into two categories; those that require royalty payments or those that are exempt from royalty payments.

When are royalties required?

  • When the item is for resale.
  • When the item carries a commercial message, sponsor, or endorsement (regardless of size).
  • When the item is used as a promotional marketing device for a particular event.

When are royalties exempt?*

  • When the item (generally apparel) is restricted to members of a department or recognized club and is used as a "uniform."
  • When the item is part of an all-campus event (i.e. Homecoming, Family Weekend, SOAR, Staff Recognition Week), does not carry commercial endorsements, distribution is not for profit and limited to members of the affiliate organization.

* only for items that are NOT sold

Permitted Trademarks:

  • UNC Charlotte
  • Charlotte
  • 49ers

*All uniforms, apparel, equipment, marketing graphics, etc. MUST include “Club” under the mark and located in the front of apparel, uniforms, etc. to be approved.

Before submitting artwork:

After approval from Recreational Services:

  • For merchandise using the University of North Carolina at Charlotte word-marks or logos that are for internal use only and will not be resold, you may use Internal Licensees (appear with red designation on CLC's Licensee Search database).
  • For merchandise that uses the University of North Carolina at Charlotte word-marks or logos and will be resold for a profit, including fundraisers, you may use Standard Licensees.

How to become a Licensed Vendor

Collegiate Licensing Company (CLC) is the licensing representative for UNC Charlotte. CLC is responsible for administering the licensing program, including processing applications, collecting royalties, enforcing trademarks and pursuing new market opportunities. CLC may be contacted at or by contacting our representative, Bryan Richter.

Get Licensed