UPDATED: Aug. 19, 2020 at 8:25 a.m.
Note: Mail is an essential service and will continue to operate on campus during North Carolina's Safer at Home Phase 2 plan. However, departmental delivery service is subject to change based on return-to-campus plans and COVID-19 operational changes.
MPS will phase in delivery to departments beginning June 29
Starting June 29, 2020, Mail and Package Services will deliver to mailrooms on campus on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays through Sept. 4.
Departments are encouraged to have all of their outgoing mail ready for pick up in the mailroom by 10 a.m.
If your department mailroom is inaccessible, your mail will be held at the mailroom window for pick up. You may pick up and drop off department mail on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Prospector. You no longer need to designate a department representative to collect mail for your department.
If you need to schedule a special pick up, please contact Jeremy Golden, operations supervisor, at jgolden6@uncc.edu or 704-687-0379.
Please monitor the Auxiliary Services Operational Changes webpage for Mail and Package Services hours.
Monday through Friday delivery service will resume Sept. 7
Beginning Sept. 7, 2020, Mail and Package Services will resume regular Monday through Friday delivery to departments.
Additional COVID-19 precautions
All route associates and mail clerks will wear masks and gloves while completing their routes and handling mail.
Please contact Jeremy Golden, operations supervisor, at jgolden6@uncc.edu or 704-687-0379.